Heartland Head Start offers transportation to our part day class attendees. We partner with Illinois Central School Bus to provide safe bussing to both morning and afternoon sessions and for all field trips. The drivers’ are assisted by a bus monitor who helps the children get seated in their harness and also aid the children with boarding & exiting the bus. All bus drivers and monitors are subject to a thorough background check and receive training twice a year on child transportation issues, best practices and coaching methods.


Three point harnesses are installed on the buses for all children to securely and safely ride to and from Heartland Head Start centers. The buses are assigned a bus driver and a bus monitor who helps the children get seated in their harness. The monitors help the children with boarding and exiting the bus. Heartland Head Start performs bus evacuation drills long with Illinois Central School Bus.
Regulation Monitors

Heartland Head Start staff has ongoing monitoring of drop off and pick up procedures and periodic bus inspections, and unannounced monitoring of bus routes. All Drivers and Bus monitors are required to maintain a CDL with the School Bus permit endorsement. They must also pass a thorough background check and receive training twice a year on child transportation issues, best practices and coaching methods.