Which program option is for you?
Early Head Start

Heartland Head Start offers programs that feature different approaches to the early childhood experience. We provide intensive, comprehensive child development and family support services to low-income infants, toddlers and their families.
- Full-Day/Full-Year, Center Based: This option is available to a limited number of families who meet the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) guidelines. (There is a co-pay fee based on the IDHS sliding scale.) This program is designed to assist parents who are working or going to school full time. Children enrolled in this option attend 5 days a week. This all-day program is an extended version of the regular Center-Based school-day program and is located at our Stillwell East Site in Bloomington.
- School-Day/Full-Year, Center-Based: This option operates year-round, Monday- Friday for 6.5 hours each day and is located at our Pontiac, Stillwell East, and Stillwell West sites. Families enrolled in this option are not required to qualify for the Child Care Assistance Program.
Head Start

Heartland Head Start offers programs that promote school readiness of children under 5 from low-income families through education that promotes school readiness of children under 5 from low-income families through education, health, social, and other services.
- Part-Day/Part-Year, Center-Based: Children enrolled in this option attend 3 ½ hours daily, either in the morning or the afternoon session, Monday through Thursday. These classrooms are not in session during the summer months. These classrooms are located at the YWCA and Stillwell West in Bloomington.
- Full-Day/Full-Year, Center-Based: This option is available to a limited number of families who meet the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) guidelines. (There is a co-pay fee based on the IDHS sliding scale.) This program is designed to assist parents who are working or going to school full time. Children enrolled in this option attend 5 days a week. This all-day program is an extended version of the regular Center-Based school day program and is located at Stillwell East in Bloomington.
- School-Day/Part-Year, Center-Based: Children enrolled in this option attend 6.5 hours daily, Monday through Friday and are located in Pontiac, YWCA, and Stillwell West in Bloomington. These classrooms are not in session during the summer months. Families enrolled in this option are not required to qualify for the Child Care Assistance Program.
Home-Based Early Head Start

The purpose of our Home-Based program is to assist parents as their child’s first teacher. By visiting a family’s home weekly, Parent Child Educators help parents improve parenting skills and assist their children by enhancing their child’s growth and development. Whether support on providing nutrition/health assistance, adult education or other services, PCEs are incredibly knowledgeable. The program also serves expectant mothers and helps provide information on prenatal/postnatal care, health and safety nutrition, and community resources.
- Expectant Family Services: Parent Child Educators (PCE) engage the entire family in exploring the joys of parenthood and providing prenatal education. Family services include support in accessing pre- and post-partum care, support in obtaining dental services and post-birth transition planning to appropriate childcare options. Expectant families are also invited to participate in social events with other EHS expectant families.
- Home-Based A PCE will visit the home once per week for 90 minutes. All family members at the home are invited to participate in the visit. Families and PCEs form a team to learn from each other and provide support. During the visits family members will interact with each other and with the teacher, talk about how things are going and make plans for activities throughout the next week. Twice per month families are invited to participate in social events with other EHS Home-Based families where they can build new relationships with other families.