
Attendance Agreement

  • If your child can not attend class because of illness or any other reason, you must contact the Heartland Head Start attendance line each day your child will be absent. Call (309) 662-4880 for both Mclean and Livingston County sites and choose the appropriate attendance extension. Provide the following information: child’s name, classroom, teacher, and reason for the absence.
  • If your child misses class more than two days and the attendance line is not contacted, a Heartland Head Start staff member will contact you to determine the reason for the absence.
  • Head Start wants an 85% attendance rate or higher. If your child misses class regularly, Heartland Head Start staff will schedule a conference to discuss a plan to support and improve regular attendance.
  • You must keep your child’s emergency contacts form updated with current contact information on individuals allowed to pick up your child.
  • If you will be late in picking up your child for any reason, call Heartland Head Start immediately. A phone call will not waive late fees.
  • Arrange with one of your emergency contacts to pick up your child if you are running late.
  • Please contact Heartland Head Start main office/attendance line at 309-662-4880 when you need to pick up your child early and they will inform the classroom staff.
  • Contact the attendance line when your child will arrive late for class and provide an arrival time. The classroom staff will be notified of your child’s late arrival.

  • Late Pick-Up Agreement

  • If you do not pick up your child from school your emergency contacts will be called to pick up your child.
  • BUS RIDERS ONLY! If you are not present at your child’s bus stop, your child will be returned to the Central Office Location or the YWCA Site in Bloomington.
  • If your child is not picked up after 15 minutes of attempted contact, the DCFS Hot Line or the local police will be called to report your child has been abandoned.
  • Heartland Head Start is responsible for the well-being and protection of your child until a parent or emergency contact arrives or until the local police or DCFS authorities arrive.
  • You will receive a $5.00 charge for each child not picked up within 5 minutes of the end of the program day. An additional $1.00 per minute will be charged until the child is picked up.

  • Head Start rules state a program may charge a reasonable fee for staffing expenses related to the care of a child after the Head Start program day has ended.