Your financial contribution will assist us in serving quality programs for children and families in McLean and Livingston Counties. On behalf of the 309 children and families we serve each year, we thank you for your support. Please contact us if you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to our program.
Below are some examples of what your money can do for us!
- $5 = Snack and lunch for 2 children
- $10 = Toothbrushes for an entire classroom
- $25 = Replacement clothes for children
- $25 = 40 jars of baby food
- $50 = Food Bank truck rental for one month
- $50 = 2 large containers of formula
- $100 = Physicals for 2 children
- $100 = 3 cases of Diapers and 3 cases of wipes
- $150 = Field trip, with transportation, for an entire class
- $150 = Start up supplies for one EHS classroom
- $200 = Start-up supplies for a classroom
- $200 = 1 dental examination
- $500 = Dental surgery for one child